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Week 1, Day 3 : Family Members and Jobs Vocabulary, Sounds Unique to French, Verb Avoir – Exercise 1. Listening Practice 1

Listen to Track F28/N35


Listen to this dialogue and try to identify words you know. No need to write them down.  

Marc: Salut Jean.

Jean: Salut Marc. Qui est cette demoiselle?

Marc: C’est Marie, ma sœur.

Jean: Enchanté Marie. Je m’appelle Jean.

Marie: Bonjour Jean, comment allez-vous?

Marc: Hi Jean.

Jean: Hi Marc. Who is this young lady?

Marc: This is Marie, my sister.

Jean: Nice to meet you Marie. My name is Jean.

Marie: Hello Jean. How are you?


Now, do the exercise based on this family tree. 

Listen to Track F29/N36



Fill the name or the relationship in the gap: