While listening comprehension is one of the biggest concerns most French language learners face, it also happens to be a highly important foundation to build right from the very start of your language learning journey.
In the following short listening exercises, you will be able to take eight dictation-based quizzes designed to help boost your listening comprehension skills in French.
How to use the quizzes effectively
You will notice that in each quiz, there are two kinds of audio: slow version and normal version. Depending on your level of comfort, you may choose between the two kinds of audio speed to help you hone your listening skills in French more efficiently.
Before you begin with the first listening exercise, make sure you are comfortably seated and have some writing materials handy.
You will notice that the transcript of the audio is provided in the lesson, but in dropdown format. We suggest that you do not uncover it yet prior to listening to the audio as it will help you make the most of the listening exercises.
Here are some instructions to guide you.
Step 1. Listen to the audio. You can select which pace you are more comfortable with. At this point, do not write down anything yet. Simply listen to the audio and try to understand as much as you can from the script.
Step 2. Listen to the audio for the second time. This time around, take your writing materials and write down what you hear, taking pauses as necessary.
Step 3. Listen to the audio for the third time. Review and make corrections to what you have written down as you go along.
Step 4. Check the answer provided by clicking the dropdown menu and compare. At this point, you may now click the answer and compare it with what you have written down.
I hope that this will be able to help you as you learn French.
Frederic Bibard
Founder, Talk in French