Advanced Level French Podcast

It can be quite frustrating to look for learning materials that perfectly suit your level. And that’s exactly why this new French podcast was developed. 

The podcast is perfect for advanced learners or at least B2 (Upper Intermediate) to C1 (Advanced) and C2 (Proficient) in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). If you plan to pass DELF B2 and above, this podcast is one of the best tools you can use to practice your listening comprehension and increase your vocabulary. 

Fun Conversations and Engaging Format

Listen to a variety of topics and go through important grammar points and vocabulary with Frédéric and his British co-host Katie. Katie raises questions from the perspective of a French language learner, and together, Frédéric and Katie talk about topics such as language, food, cultural differences, humour, literature, love, children, and a whole lot more. 

Every episode also comes with a grammar section which focuses on the main issues faced by advanced learners, as well as a discussion on useful French expressions.

Here’s What You’ll Get in this Podcast

  • Each podcast episode is about 40 minutes on average. 
  • The total duration of the whole season would be more or less 20 hours in length
  • The Podcast notes and transcription are a hefty 1,000 pages—to give you full access to review the grammar lessons, vocabulary, plus a way to follow the conversations in its entirety.

What’s Inside this Podcast?


Episode #TitreGrammaire
0Les tendances 
1Comment des lardons ont failli briser l’amitié franco-italienneVerb Faillir
2Les langues se sont adaptées à leur environnementLe gérondif. Dans le texte: “des chercheurs venant de mettre en evidence…”
3Hemingway, un Américain fou de ParisIl y a / il y
4«Ognon», «nénufar», accent circonflexe: la réforme surprise de l’orthographeIl s’agit de
5Différence de conversationLe verbe falloir
6La femme qui désirait une « personne mature » malheureusement attirée par les hommesen travers de la gorge
7La monstrueuse littérature jeunesse part 1Si (on the contrary)
8La monstrueuse littérature jeunesse part 2Si (if)
9Les français ne sont pas de gros dégoutantvaloir mieux
10On a passé un an dans la peau des marchésvieil / vieux
11Comment être arrogant comme un françaisle verbe rendre/ se rendre
12Les français puristes de la langue Part 1Verlan
13Les français puristes de la langue Part 2Celui-ci / Celui-là
14Trop de vacances en FranceVocabulaire / expressions pour les vacances
15La discrimination par l’accent Part 1Les expressions régionales
16La discrimination par l’accent Part 2to care about something
17Les blaguesExemple de blagues
18Le coq et le cocu françaisLe genre des mots
19Detester les françaisVerbe se rendre
20Français et AnglicismesPhrases pour le subjonctif
21Faire deux choses à la foiscould in french
22Les français sont nuls en anglaisNe pas + infinitive
23La France, un pays pas très recommandéshould in french
24Brexitencore et toujours
25Ambiancer, arty, spin-off, émoticône… Le Petit Larousse accepte 150 nouveaux motsLe Causatif
26Les 12 fautes de français qui vous énervent le plusto care about something

Maximize Your Comprehension with Full Transcripts 

Each episode comes with full transcripts and complete grammar notes. This way, you can follow along to the conversations or review the grammar and vocabulary lessons any time you want. 

Offline Version Available for Free

This course is also available in downloadable format which you can get for free below. With the audio files in MP3 format and transcripts in PDF, you will be able to access the podcast anytime, anywhere for utmost convenience on your part.

Talk in French le podcast en français saison 1

About Instructor


Hi, I'm Frederic from France. I am the founder of Talk In French. I have +10 years of experience teaching French. Let's study together!

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