1. How do I use the progress bar to track my progress?
You will see the progress bar at the upper left of the screen when you access any course. Once you have completed a lesson and mark it complete, the equivalent percentage of the course taken will be reflected in the progress bar.
Take note that the lessons may be taken in any order and your progress will still be tracked. Though it is highly recommended that you follow the sequence provided.
In lessons that contain quizzes, you need to complete all the quizzes first before you will be able to complete each lesson.
Important note to course takers of the Complete Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced courses:
We offer writing exercises that are personally being reviewed and given feedback by myself, Frederic Bibard. Once the essays are reviewed and approved, the writing exercise will be marked as completed. So if your essay is not yet received and corrected, the lesson will not be considered complete by the system.
2. Where can I access the corrected essay for the Complete Beginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced Courses?
I will personally leave comments in the essay section of the course. You should be able to receive a notification in your email inbox and from there click on the “permalink” and you will be able to view the feedback and corrections.
In general, I will correct the error(s) in red and provide an alternative to your sentence in green font. In most cases, your sentence may be grammatically correct but it can sound more natural with the alternative sentence written in the green font.
3. How can I access my course?
You need to login in this URL:
Once you enter your details, you will have access to your “profile page”. From there you will be able to access the different courses you purchased.
4. Can I download an offline version (audiobook/ e-book) of the course?
Yes in most courses you should be able to see the first module called “offline materials” where you can get the downloadable version of your course. We are about to simplify the system to make it even easier. A print version and an e-book version/audiobook version will be provided as well whenever applicable.
5. Can I give my feedback or ask you a question?
Yes, please. I am eager for a challenge. If you don’t like some parts or you think it needs improvement, criticisms are always welcome.
You can send me an email at contact@talkinfrench.com or, even better and easier, simply leave a comment on the lesson.
6. Can I resubmit an essay in the writing exercises?
We limit the number of submissions per quiz, but if you think you sent your essay by mistake, just contact us using the email address I provided above or you may also leave your message below with the link to the quiz.
7. Can I retake a quiz and get an updated score?
Yes you do have an option to retake the quiz and each time, your new score will be reflected. But for learning purposes, my advice is to take note of your errors and try to do better in the succeeding quizzes.
Note: This list of FAQs will be updated from time to time as I receive new questions. Thank you, merci, and best of luck! Bonne chance !
Frederic Bibard
Founder, Talk in French